
Student Life

After School Program

Hillel Day School offers a robust afterschool program. In a supervised environment, students can explore areas such as the arts, yoga, and Torah.  In sports, we have competitive teams in basketball, cross country, golf, soccer, and tennis, as well as a full intramural program for all grades throughout the year that includes running, floor hockey, table tennis and flag football.

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Marisa Kaplan

    Marisa Kaplan 

    Office Manager

List of 6 items.

  • isacs

  • ism

  • jewish federation

  • naeyc

  • nais

  • prizmah

Hillel Day School of Metropolitan Detroit
32200 Middlebelt Road | Farmington Hills, MI 48334
(248) 851-3220 
